Pay My Bill Now
For the best experience using our online bill pay, please use a compatible browser such as Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge. Note: Safari is not currently supported.
If you have questions or concerns about your bill, please call our Business Office at 507-794-3691.
Financial Assistance Program
Sleepy Eye Medical Center is committed to providing healthcare services to all patients regardless of their ability to pay. Uninsured or under-insured patients may qualify for financial assistance under one of several programs. Eligibility is determined by reviewing and verifying family income and size.
See if You Qualify
Apply for Assistance
Download our Financial Assistance Policy Plain Language Summary - English
Download our Financial Assistance Policy Plain Language Summary - Spanish
Download Our Financial Assistance Policy - English
Download Our Financial Assistance Policy - Spanish
Download SEMC Financial Assistance Application - English
Download SEMC Financial Assistance Application - Spanish
Download Our Collections Policy - English
Download our Collections Policy - Spanish
Once we receive your application and documentation, we’ll notify you by mail of approval or denial.
If you would like additional information about these programs or have any questions, please contact SEMC’s business office at 507-794-3691.
MNsure is a marketplace where Minnesotans can shop, compare, and choose health insurance coverage that meets their needs. MNsure is the only place to qualify for financial help with health insurance. Depending on household size and income, most Minnesotans qualify for a public insurance program like Medical Assistance or MinnesotaCare, or a low-cost plan from a private insurance company.
Your Protection Against Surprise Medical Bills
“Surprise billing” can happen when you can’t control who is involved in your care (for example, when you have an emergency), or when you schedule a visit at an in-network facility but are unexpectedly treated by an out-of-network provider. Learn more about your rights and protections against surprise medical bills here.
As an uninsured or self-pay patient, you are entitled to a good faith estimate. For more information, please refer to our Good Faith Estimate disclosure.