November is National Caregiver Month. Approximately 34.2 million Americans, or 10% of the population, provide care to adults over the age of 50. This percentage does not include those caring for a child with health conditions or disabilities, or those providing care as a profession. Caregiving also involves helping a family member, neighbor, friend or acquaintance. Whether providing transportation to medical appointments, running errands, cleaning, meal planning, bathing, or helping with bills, these things take time and add stress to someone’s already-busy-life. Sometimes it can be difficult to balance work, family and your own mental and physical well-being.
We Want to Help
We have staff who can provide you with resources and support. Please contact Lanna Raatz, RN, Discharge Planner and Swing Coordinator at Sleepy Eye Medical Center at Laraatz@semedicalcenter.org or 507-794-8455.
Tips for Caregivers
1.) Relax – Find time for yourself. Clear your head and decompress.
2.) Balance – Learn to take control of the things you can and let go of the things you can’t.
3.) Care – Love what you do, but seek help from others.
4.) Give – Remember, caregiving is not about you. It’s a choice to make sacrifices.
5.) Love & Patience – Selfless devotion and compassion are your traits. These are important traits to embody as a caregiver.
6.) Bend – Be flexible, take breaks, and take deep breaths.
7.) Last of all, do not forget to take care of your own health so you can be an effective caregiver.