SEMC Sleepy Eye Medical Center
Sleepy Eye, Morgan and Clements, MN
For the safety of our staff and community amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, Sleepy Eye Medical Center has decided to cancel the Pints and Poses event scheduled for March 23, 2020 at the Sleepy Eye Brewery. We apologize, in advance, for the inconvenience and will refund anyone who has already purchased tickets. These refunds will be issued as soon as possible. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mikayla Bruggeman, Community Relations Coordinator, at
Enjoy a 45-minute beginners slow flow yoga session led by Dr. Corinne Jordan, followed by a tasty brew or two as Dr. Jordan and Dr. Karlyn Armbruster share tips on self-care and stress management.
Time: 6-7:30 p.m.
Location: Sleepy Eye Brewing Co.
The cost to attend is $10.
The deadline to register is Friday, March 20. Space is limited. Early registration encouraged! *Participants will receive a mini self-care swag bag.