Sleepy Eye Medical Center
400 4th Ave. NW
Sleepy Eye, MN 56085
877-794-3691 (clinic)
507-794-3571 (hospital)
Morgan Clinic
96 3rd St. E
Morgan, MN 56266
Locations & Hours
Contact a Department
For your convenience, below is a list of department contact information for Sleepy Eye Medical Center.
- Business Office/Billing: 507-794-3691
- Community Relations: 507-794-8475
- Complaints: 507-794-8459
- Diabetic Educator: 507-794-8489
- Discharge Planning: 507-794-8455
- Human Resources: 507-794-8473
- Hospital Nurses Station: 507-794-3571
- Laboratory: 507-794-8481
- Medical Records (Health Information Management): 507-794-3691 ext. 3875
- Medication Refills: 507-794-8489
- Outreach Desk: 507-794-8445
- Registration/Admissions: 507-794-8437
- Rehabilitation & Physical Therapy: 507-794-8466
- Scheduling: 507-794-3691
For general inquiries, we welcome you to contact us by completing the form below. All medical concerns should be directed to the clinic at 507-794-3691. If you are inquiring about your medical record, we ask that you call Health Information Management at 507-794-3691 ext. 3875.